Sunday, July 24, 2005

Day 21– July 20, 2005, Wednesday: WHERE are we going?

We had a time of praying for different countries this morning with the entire campus. Basically we all (about 200 people) split into groups of 4 or 5. We then decide as a group what country or countries we feel led to pray for. Ruth and I ended up with two people we hadn’t met before and together we all agreed to pray for Africa, namely the countries in and around southern Africa. So we did, it was good. (this ties in later)

Then we went and heard Matt Rawlins speak some more. I’m going to bring some money to buy a few books of his tomorrow because I totally enjoy the way he thinks things through and simplifies and explains.

After lunch (salad and peanut butter and jelly) we had a meeting about outreach teams. The leaders had compiled all of the countries that everyone prayed about last week. They gave us a list of about 30 of them and told us to pray for where God wants us to go. Ruth and I had the advantage of being a team, so we could bounce stuff off of each other a little bit. So we prayed, first with the kids. Jessika says “I think God wants us in Africa”. Whoa I think, Africa sounds expensive to get to, let alone how long it would take with two kids on an airplane. Oh well, she’s just a kid, she can’t count. Then I ask Jonny. He has no response. He threw a few countries out there, but only after we said them. So we sent the kids off to the park so we could pray together. I’d like to say we both received a vision or something cool like that, but we just prayed. After that I was thinking how hard it would be to narrow it down. I’m leaning towards Zimbabwe and Argentina for some reason. I have no idea why. They seem like polar opposites, I even felt too crazy to say them to Ruth. Then she says “I feel crazy, but for some reason I’m leaning towards Zimbabwe, and I like the idea of Argentina as well.” "Can this be?" I think to myself. I almost felt even more crazy now, telling her that I was thinking of those two. So we prayed some more and we agreed that the third option would be Uganda.

“this is nuts” I think. “We’re going to be flying half way around the world”. I don’t think I would have picked any of these countries as a place for us to go, but somehow we both picked them. Chances are pretty high that we will be going to one of these three. The leaders have the ball in their court now. It is there turn to pray over everyone’s decisions and group teams together. We should know for sure by the end of the week.


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