Monday, July 11, 2005

Day 9– July 8, 2005:A day we often call Friday

Today we heard Paul Childers again. He has such a way with words you just want him to keep talking. He opened it up to questions afterward and said he would answer any question, or any doubt that people brought to him. He was hit with some very tough questions. He knows the bible so well that every time he had a brilliant answer that wasn’t his own, but was found in the bible (just like it says!). He challenged each of us to read the New Testament straight through. I plan to.

After Paul was finished speaking he brought up his wife, Susie, to the front of the room to be introduced, along with their 3-month-old baby “Levi”. She is from Germany and is a photographer. She has a passion for the “voiceless” – oppressed women from other nations. She has put together several calendars – one of which is of women from Afghanistan. She also told us a story about how she went on a trip to photograph a distant people group in the Himalayas. Once there she asked them if they knew who Jesus was. They said “no”. Then she asked them if they had heard of “Coca Cola” and their eyes got big and they said “yes! Did you bring some?” She explained how saddened she was by this and how passionate they are about reaching those who haven’t heard the name of Jesus. These two have been completely around the world numerous times and to many remote areas. Amazing people!

Then we broke into small groups, mine (Dave’s) had Craig (NZ), Ken (US), John (US), Jon (US) and me. We all told each other a bit about our lives, and how and why we are here. Ruth is in a group made up of 6 women (a mix of single and married) in which she is sad to say she is the oldest of the group (there are many people here straight out of high school and college).

I had the rare privilege tonight of hanging out with a bunch of guys from down under watching a rugby game. They are INTO it. It was fun. I learned all about the game (it was the first I’d ever watched it). This particular game was New Zealand against the best of Europe (like a dream team). NZ killed them, so the game was a little boring, but we had a good time.


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