Sunday, December 04, 2005

The END…

Ahhh...Our last Hawaiian sunset....for NOW :)

I apologize for slacking a little here in the end. I got out of the habit of updating the website in Zimbabwe and well, you know how it is. The good news is that we are officially back. We stayed in Kona for 3 days for debriefing with the other teams. It was great to see everyone and hear about how God has used them in many different countries.

Now we are back in California and are finally getting used to it. We had some serious culture shock on our return. The houses here are huge. The cars here go fast. The people don’t automatically say ‘hi’ when you walk by. White people are everywhere! I can shower for as long as I like. The washing machine…Ruth’s new best friend. The list goes on. We are very thankful to be home and to have all that we do. God is very good. He has blessed us more than we ever realized. The kids thought it was awesome coming home...all of their toys seem new to them. They love it.

We prayed for a car when coming home because we sold them both about 150 days ago. On our first day home my dad called and said “hey, do you need a car?”. So, tomorrow we are flying out to Phoenix (for free with my sister-in-law, Pam) to pick up the car. God is good.

We are now nearing the end of our culture shock and I wanted to make sure that I told all of you that this has been the greatest experience of our lives. We have grown in our relationship with God more than ever. We have made friends all around the world. We have flown farther than ever. We would do it again in a heartbeat. If you ever want to hear more about it, just tell us and we’ll bring over the pictures and have fun telling stories.

Thank you all so much for your love and support and prayer. God bless you all in your endeavors! Thanks for reading our website as we went along. I’ll be sure to let you know if do any more missions stuff. I’m sure God’s got something up his sleeve in our future…


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