Sunday, June 26, 2005

Welcome to our DTS Blog

Before we head off to Kona we wanted to throw in some pictures from our Diepersloot family reunion in Pagosa Springs, Colorado (Celebrating mom and dads 40th anniversary). We had a great time hanging with all 10 adults and 12 kids under two roofs. The next update will be straight from Kona Hawaii. We fly out this Thursday.....Aloha.

Ruth, Jess and Jonny on the way to Colorado above Palm Desert. Jonny needed to pull over because "daddy drives too curvy"

In Pagosa Springs, CO Jonny catches his first fish all by himself.

The family took a ride through the rockies.

Cruising through the yard on dad's new ATV with Jessie and cousin Laura ....

Oma and Opa and all TWELVE grandkids. this kind of picture doesn't happen every day!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Dave, Ruth, Jessika and Jonathan