Monday, July 18, 2005

Day 13– July 12, 2005:A day of Rugby

Mowed hard…it hit 90 today with about 90% humidity.

After mowing I was drenched in sweat and grass. I heard there was a group going to play rugby so I figured now that I had watched one game, and since I was already dirty and smelly, go for it. We had a great time. It took me a bit to get the hang of the rules. It was touch rugby (no tackling). Let me tell you, I ran more than I’ve run in a while. It felt good. I actually got the hang of it. The most difficult part is to remember that all passes have to be backwards, so once you pass to someone you have to back up just in case they need to pass to you. Anyway, I hope to play next Tuesday again.

It also turns out that we have a doctor here taking the class with us. He actually brought a kit for stitches along with him, so we won’t have to spend $100 to get Jonny’s stitches removed.

We had a great lesson today that was basically a method on how to study the bible. It was very interesting for me as I’ve never really been taught that way. The basic idea is to help keep people from grabbing verses out of context and misusing them. It’s sort of like if you were to watch 30 seconds of a movie and try to figure out what the movie was about based on that. Misuse of the Bible is how most cults get started.


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