Day 15– July 14, 2005: Darlin’ marlin
We ended up not using the riding mower today. I can sense how upset you all are about this. I cried a little. We just mowed a bunch of small areas where the rider didn’t really fit. Yesterday I had fixed up my mower a bit with the main mow guy (Greg from NZ). We had it all tuned up, but today I couldn’t mow anything with it. I could barely push it (I know, your thinking…”Dave, I’ve seen your brawn…I doubt there is much you could barely push”). Well it turns out that we had put the blade of the mower on upside down after we sharpened it. It’s amazing what a difference that makes.
Then came the dinner. Apparently some deep sea fisherman donated a marlin because I saw it’s carcass all stripped down in the back of the kitchen. It was huge, at least 7 feet long. It cooked up real nice. I love fish. I don’t even remember what we had with it except for more fish. Hmmmmmmarlin.
That night we had an all campus worship thing. It was really good. We had three of our main DTS leaders speak, Jaimie, Dan and Garth. These three are all 25 or under, have been involved with YWAM for 5 or more years, been to dozens of countries, and are great speakers and leaders. They are really amazing.
After that, Peter the doctor came and took out Jonny’s stitches. Jonny was a very big boy and just let him do it. Peter came to YWAM straight from finishing medical school. He is loving it here as well.
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