Monday, August 29, 2005

Day 58– Aug 26, 2005, Friday: Reunited with my Parents

On the right is a photo from dad of the island before he landed. cool huh? Then below is us having a grand ol' time at the pool.

Dan and Garth talked this morning about their ‘vision’. They are starting a thing that they call Awaken. The idea is to talk to typical churches, schools, and bible studies and get them excited about God again. It sounds simple and it is. They were planning on doing it just themselves with 2 friends last August. They had flyers made, lots of appointments at churches…the whole thing was planned out. Then God stepped in and let them know that his plan was bigger. They put the whole thing on hold to come lead this DTS class. During this class they realized that God can use this entire class to be much more effective than just the four of them. If each person goes back home and tells their home church or bible study about the exciting ways that God is working in lives and the exciting things that God is doing, that miracles are happening…that the Bible is God’s Word…THE GOD…The God that made us. He wrote down an instruction book for us and most of us haven’t the faintest clue what it really says. I know for me, I haven’t even read the entire bible! How sad is that? So anyway, 100 people going home and telling one group is much more than the 4 of them could have done in a long time. People have forgotten how truly awesome it is to serve God and know Him. They plan to Wake up the church through this ministry they call Awaken.

After this I went to pick up my parents at the airport! They are visiting until Sunday. They came back and heard a little bit of the speaker (Don Gillman) and really enjoyed. They are staying on campus here as guests. As soon as they arrived and settled in we had them share some of their pictures from Uganda last year with our team. It was really fun to see the pictures and know that we are going to be there in less than a month. We also received our itinerary for our flight to Uganda. It goes like this. Kona to Seattle to Minneapolis to Amsterdam (spend the night) to Nairobi to Entebbe. Whew! We are traveling almost exactly ½ way around the world. Uganda’s time zone is 12 hours different from here.

Then at night we went down to town to get icecream. It was awesome because we had about 20 fellow classmates so we filled up the little icecream shop. It’s also nice hanging with mom and dad.

Matthew's gonna kill me for putting this one on here. This is Jessika and Matthew...She has claimed that he is her boyfriend and then laughed and said "just kidding". But then I get a photo like this. hmmmmm It's cute now, but in 10 years I'm not so sure it will be.


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