Day 55– Aug 23, 2005, Tuesday: Bee sting
Here is Don Gillman on the right. Great guy! His bible barely holds itself together (which is usually a good sign)
We had a team meeting today to discuss the pros and cons of last week on outreach in Kohala. It was a good time to talk about ways that we worked well together and things that we need to work on. It’s great as a team to be able to look at our strengths and weaknesses honestly. I thought it was a really productive time. I had to leave early to go get a Hepatitis B shot. Fun fun. Soon we have to take the kids out for yellow fever shots as well.
Tonite we were planning to go to an optional meeting but the speaker (Don Gillman) came by our table at dinner and we just ended up talking and talking. He is a really interesting guy. He is American, but has lived in Taipei for the last 10 years or so. He spent about 8 years teaching a class called SBS (School of Biblical Studies). It’s a pretty intense class designed to really teach the bible. Apparently they read the bible 5 times through and study it in a period of 9 months. He has raised his three kids on the mission field and now they are more Chinese than American (not in looks, but in actions). He has a lot of fun stories.
Jessika got stung by a bee today (actually it was yesterday come to think of it). Anyway, her arm swelled up pretty good. It’s close to twice as big as the other one. We had Dr Peter take a look at it and he’s not worried about it as long as it stays localized. We’ve been feeding her benadryl and cortisone cream. Think of the loudest scream you’ve ever heard and then you know what it sounded like when it happened. She’s ok now though.
Tonight Dave, Rod and I all had another prayer time together. It was awesome. It’s just so great to share and connect with God. I can’t believe that we only have 4 weeks left here. We are really going to miss a lot of people here, and times like this. After the prayer time I came home and listened to music and just read the bible for a while. It’s funny because I used to have such a hard time reading/praying for a ½ hour and now I often feel like it isn’t enough!
Here is a picture of Popeye. Can you tell which arm got stung?
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