Day 46– Aug 14, 2005, Sunday: Church and Beach
This is Jonny's latest Game. He likes playing dead in the water. Lets say that it keeps the parents on their toes.
This weekend we have been borrowing a car from a couple here who went to the mainland for a few weeks. It’s very refreshing to be able to drive where ever you want when ever you want. Wednesday we went to Walmart to buy some air mattresses for our outreach trip this week. This morning we got to hang out at the ‘house’ for an extra half hour because we had our own car and didn’t have to wait for the church van. NICE. Then after church I dropped the wife and kids off at Queens bath beach. I went back to campus and made two trips to bring the Richards and Bells to the beach with us. It’s just so nice to not have to walk where ever you go :). We hung out at the beach for quite some time. Jonny has a new ‘floatie’ that is a vest instead of the arm floaties. It is awesome. He just bobs all around and doesn’t swallow near as much water. We also grabbed a jamba juice on Ruth’s card (thank you Lord for the nice gift).
Then we came home in two car loads with 12 of us. And this car is a little Suzuki jeep thing that seats 4. The first trip we had 7 in it. Quite a sight. Then the kids watched a quick movie while I did my journal homework. After that was dinner (chili and cornbread) and a little hanging out by the park while the kids played. Jonny was so tired he fell asleep while we were praying.
Here I am...deep in my study of Ephesians...researching...delving...nice farmer tan!
Two sleepy kids happily reading books. What a way to end the day!
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