Monday, August 15, 2005

Day 41– Aug 9, 2005, Tuesday: Good fellow

At the right is the flag circle on campus. It shows all of the flags of countries where teams currently are serving.

More of Goodfellow. It’s awesome to hear the stories that this man has to tell.

So, John likes to go to bars and meet people over a cigar and play pool and tell them about Jesus. He plays ok pool, but he’s not really good. One time in London he went to a pool table and this massive guy came and offered to play him. John obliged and off they went. John cleared the table without giving the other guy a shot! This was the first time he had ever done this. Then another massive guy came and wanted to play him. This time John got 5 balls in at first, gave the other guy one turn and then finished it. Again, totally unlike him. A third massive guy came….same thing. They looked mad and John is starting to wonder if he was in trouble. They started getting angry and blamed him for trying to swindle them. But he said “We’re not even playing for money!”. Then they said that they were the Manchester Pool team and they never get beat and they insisted he tell them how he did it. “I tell ya mates…I’ve never played like this before. All I can think is that God made it happen so I could tell you about Jesus.” Then they made him sit at a table and tell him about Christ.

You’ve just got to hear the stories with his mellow English accent. He is quite the story teller. He rattled off about 10 different ones today, each of them I thought was awesome and swore I would remember.

Here is one more quick one… He was in a bar (he likes to hunt out the seediest bar he can find). God told him to go speak to a guy across the room, that God had a word for him. At this point he didn’t know what the word was, but he went. He says hi to the mean looking guy and tells him that God doesn’t like what he’s doing right now and it’s time to stop. The guy looks at him and asks why he said that. “I don’t know, God told me to come tell you”. The guy asks “do you know who I am?” “nope” “I’m the co-founder of the satanic church here in Amsterdam”. And that was the end of the conversation. A week or two later he saw the guy across the street and he yelled to him “you were right! God wasn’t happy with where I was at. I’ve stopped. I’m searching for God now.”

It rained cats and dogs tonite. Once it stopped we got together and prayed for the last few days of finances. Sunnexes are paid for. Bells need about 3000. Richards are paid for. We need about 2500. God is awesome.

Here is a picture of the rain. I thought it was a cool shot. Just gushin' down.


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