Sunday, August 07, 2005

Day 33– Aug 1, 2005, Monday: Brandon Fox speaks today

Above: the kids had fun in class creating a self portrait (some had teachers help) From left to right they are Teirza (NZ), Jonny (CA), Jess (CA), Aaron (NZ), and Kaitlyn (Texas y'all). Budding artists.

This Brandon fellow. He’s been in Thailand for the last 5 months living in a refugee camp from the tsunami. He is here this week to speak for us, and then he’s going back indefinitely. He has an amazing passion for sharing God’s love with others. He took the same DTS class that we are in several years ago. This is his first time speaking in one though, so he gave us his long list of credentials to impress us.

-he has a 2 year liberal arts degree

-he has 8 more years of school until he becomes a doctor (he’s not pursuing it)

-he had a great job at subway that he gave up to come here

-he had a rusted out Toyota that he also gave up to come here

-he also had an empty box full of all of the books he has written that he’ll be selling this week

Basically he has no credentials (it’s a joke, it was funnier when he said it than when I wrote it) from a typical perspective except that he’s a child of God that has been working with people for the last several years in different nations. He’s been to Thailand several times, Western Samoa and somewhere else. He gave us a good quote from Batman Begins when Bruce Wayne says “People need dramatic examples to shock them out of apathy”. That’s what we as American’s need. We are totally apathetic towards the pain that exists in the rest of the world until we see some horrible picture or hear of a tsunami we might get out of our comfort zone a little bit to help. This guy is living in a tent helping people get there lives back together after they were destroyed. That’s some pretty good credentials in my book.


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