Day 31– July 30, 2005, Saturday: Overcast Resting Day and mini-Bon Fire
Awesome breakfast. French Toast and scrambled eggs. I’m really starting to enjoy the Saturday breakfast’s here. The rest of the day we hung out, went to the pool and took naps. We all sacked out. The weeks here are pretty draining, so we welcome the rest.
At night we all went to the beach by the old airport and had a bon-fire. It was a pretty small fire, but it was fun hanging out at the beach. It reminded me of the days in highschool when we all used to have fires and camp at the beach. Good times. We played music, had African drums, made s’mores. Lots of fun.
on the left is Junichi and Rodney making smores. This was Junichi's first time.
on the right. mr golden sun...shining down on me.
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