Day 27– July 26, 2005, Tuesday: Logo story
Picture of my small group, left to right, John, Ken, Prakash, John, Craig. And more sunset. They never get old.
I’m still in awe that we are going to Africa. It is about the most inconvenient spot on earth to get
to from Hawaii. I looked at flights last night and two flights came up. One going from here to Singapore to Djibouti to Uganda, the other took the east route, thru Los Angeles, London, Ethiopia. Both flights were in the air about 24 hours with a total of 36-48 hours of travel time. I think it will be quite exciting with a 4 and 6 year old J. Sigh. I know we’ll make it.
The speaker today had a great story about how he includes God in every way in running his graphic design business. He often is asked to come up with a company look, for marketing etc. Well, this one university asked him to design a brochure and a website. He said ok, but his contact new that he was a Christian, and that the university wouldn’t put up with any God stuff, so he was asked to not bring up God in any way. He basically said that we couldn’t commit to that, and if they wanted to fire him, they could. He continued on the project. He prayed about what to design for them and God told him to design a logo. “But God” he said “ they did not ask for a logo”. He designed it, and even as he was going into the meeting he still had know idea what the logo symbolized, or how it related to the University. Before even being introduced to the man in charge, they said “we’ve been thinking about what we asked you to put together and…. We would like to have you put together a logo” . How perfect he thought, because God told me to make one for you. Anyway, to keep a long story short, he showed them the logo and as he did he saw how it related to the sciences and totally fit with what they wanted and they have been using it for the last 7 years.
Right now, as I type this, Ruth is off to the store, loading up on some Kona coffee. Jessika is carrying the neighborhood cat around in the ark park. Jonny has a collection of paper airplanes that I made him and he is insisting I stop typing and help him. I am actually sitting in the ark portion of the ark park, enjoying a good sit down. I just finished mowing lawns and playing rugby, and now I am beat. I pulled my hamstring a bit, so I might have to lay off the rugby and soccer for a week.
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