Sunday, August 07, 2005

Day 34– Aug 2, 2005, Tuesday: Clarity on Uganda and Zimbabwe

Below is Jonny and Jess posing at the ark park. They play here every spare minute.Here is Ruth, reading in the actual ark. It's not too comfortable, and there are these giant bee like bugs that buzz around while you read and eat the wood. But, it's still got a good vantage point for watching the kids while you read.

Our leader (Rita) for our outreach team to Zimbabwe and Uganda told us a story today. She went to a leadership class this morning here on campus. She sat in a random spot next to two people that she had never met. She spoke to the person on her right and found out that they had just returned from Uganda! She got all excited because we are all going there soon, and carried on a conversation with this person for a bit. She then decided to meet the person on her left and guess where that person had just returned from….you guessed it…Zimbabwe. She was stunned. What an exciting confirmation that she is going to the right places. She gleaned all the information off of them that she could and hurried back to tell us. Don’t you just love all the “strange coincidences” that God set’s up to confirm things for us?

In our outreach meeting we found out today that we will be going on a week long mini-outreach here in one of the major areas of Hawaii (on this island). I think this will happen in a couple of weeks. I am totally excited to get out there and share God and help people out for a week. I think it will be a great team building time as well. I’ll share more about it once I learn where we are going and what we might be doing and where we might be sleeping.

Well, I have 150 pages of reading to do by Friday, so I best get started….


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