Sunday, August 07, 2005

Day 35– Aug 3, 2005, Wednesday: Steak for dinner (Feast before Famine)

On the right: This is Jonny's concentration face. when he thinks hard, the tongue pops out. Ruth claims I do it too, but I doubt it. On the left is a shot of us playing at the pool. I'm the one floating in the pink ring.

Today we had a speaker named Jen. She is doing full time missions work in Cambodia teaching English. She spoke about “Expensive Character”. The Cambodian language doesn’t have direct translation for Integrity, so they call it expensive character. It was a really good talk. She spoke of her challenges with the little things in life that don’t seem to matter, but do. Things like speeding, taxes, little things that we can easily ‘get away with’. It hurt a little. I like to drive fast sometimes. She is originally from Philladelphia, so she loves to drive fast and mean. Driving is her biggest challenge with Expensive Character.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is a day of fasting for the entire campus here (yes, as in, not eating). Apparently in preparation for the fasting tomorrow, we had steak for dinner tonite. It was so gooood. It was soooo not chicken. I am not entirely looking forward to not eating tomorrow as I think eating is one of the best things we can do. But the point is to focus on God and to appreciate all the times we are not hungry. Actually we will be having dinner tomorrow, so we only miss breakfast and lunch. It makes me hungry just thinking about it. Hopefully the time will go by fast (get it?).

Last night I forgot to mention that Donna cut my hair. From what I can tell she did a mighty fine job, and of course the price was right. Thanks Donna.

Tonite Ruth and jess went to buy some stuff at the store while Jonny and I played at the pool. It was a lot of fun. After the pool we went back to the ‘house’ and Jonny put together Jessika’s new puzzle (from Robbie at home, thanks Robbie). It took him 15 minutes to do the puzzle and he was concentrating so hard. It was awesome. When he concentrates he sticks his tongue out and sort of guides the pieces mentally using his tongue. It’s some solid entertainment.


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