Day 61– Aug 29, 2005, Monday: Sick Boy
Jonny got sick last night. The picture at the left is to show you the opposite of how he looked all day. He had a 103 F fever and threw up once. He stayed in bed almost the whole day and Ruth stayed with him and mothered him. It’s a good thing we have the laptop so he can sit and watch movies when he gets sick. Jess went to class like normal and so did I.
We had another family fun day optional today. Unfortunately Ruth and Jonny slept through it, but Jess and I had fun. We played human foosball. It was fun. Our team lost, but we had fun. We also played blind soccer which was kinda cool. People paired up and one put a blind fold on and the other told them what to do. The person with the blindfold was the only one allowed to kick the ball. It got interesting. It was hotter than most days, so we were wiped out afterward.
After mowing we went to a Barbeque at the house of our mowing bosses. We had a great time and an AWESOME dinner. Tri tip, BBQ chicken, real mashed potatoes, a tasty salad, ice cream, chocolate. I felt like a normal person again. I can still taste it. Ruth was going to go with me, but she stayed back with Jonny to tend to the sickly boy. I took Jessika as my date and we had a great time. On our return Ruth told us that Jonny had eaten a whole sandwich for dinner, so we are hoping that he is coming out of it.
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