Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day 75– Sep 12, 2005, Monday: Water for Life

This is the last week of class and our speaker is Jeremy West. He is a long term YWAMer who has led several classes and is soon moving with his wife and two kids to the Montana base. His message this week is about the costs of discipleship. What it costs us to follow Christ as a disciple. He asked “are you an admirer or a follower?”. He challenged us to pursue holiness, to get off the fence of mediocrity. It was a great challenge.

Later I went to an optional about ‘Water for Life’. It’s a group within YWAM who are bringing water to those that don’t have it. Let’s just say that a LOT of the world does not have an adequate water supply. There are a lot of people who hike 4 miles every day to carry water back. At 8 pounds a gallon it gets pretty heavy. It’s such hard work to get the water that they don’t waste it on washing their bodies and end up with awful skin diseases and more. And then there is the cleanliness of the water that they do have. Often it has different bacteria in it and dirt and makes them quite sick. This group is traveling around the world digging wells, installing filters (sand), teaching about cleanliness. They show people how to catch and store the rain. They have invented these basins that hold 100’s of gallons of water that they can make out of chicken wire for less than $50. They make sand filters to get rid of the bacteria. They have a little cup with a tiny hole in it so people can wash their hands with less than an ounce of water. It’s really cool how they investigate what makes people sick and then they come up with cost effective solutions for them. It was also good to hear about the water in Uganda and Zimbabwe so we know what to look for.

Above is another beautiful sunset...I'm already starting to miss them :)


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