Sunday, September 11, 2005

Day 71– Sep 8, 2005, Thursday: Ruth’s turn

Holy Cow! We only have 13 days until we are on a plane to Africa! But today is Ruth’s day to type…

Ruth: Hi everyone! Finally I can tear this computer out of Dave’s hands and write some of our story. Actually, I just had one of those amazing mom moments tonight and felt the need to share with all you moms & dads & grandparents out there. Hope you are touched and inspired to spend some time just talking with the little ones in your world. They are amazing and so often overlooked in the busyness of our days, but God has huge blessings in these tiny treasures.

Tonight after our evening meeting I took the kids home for bed and Jonny surprised me with some big emotions (usually it is Jessika). Jonny is home sick for the first time. It was so cute but so sad. He just cried and kept repeating: “I want to go home. Home is far, far away. I don’t want to be in Hawaii anymore.” I talked to him about our exciting ”adventure” to Africa but that didn’t seem to help. So I resorted to some good old fashioned prayer and he calmed and fell asleep. Aren’t children so beautiful when they sleep?

After that I went to tuck Jessika in and we had an amazing conversation – for an HOUR! It was so good I just lost track of time. Jonny’s homesick cries got us talking about home and all the special people we miss (you know who you are) and all that is going to happen before we get home. Jessika is very interested in going to Africa. She must have asked me 20 questions like, “What are the people like?”, “Why are they poor?”, “What will we eat?”, etc. She was also asking about the children affected by the Tsunami and Hurricane. She is very interested in the little children who are poor and don’t have parents. As we were talking her eyes got really big and she said with excitement, “I know what we can do! You and daddy can be the mommy and daddy and Jonny and I can be the brother and sister to all the children who don’t have families. We can play with them and take care of them and tell them about Jesus!” I started to cry and her lip started to quiver and we hugged. I am so proud of her and her heart for the lost. She has such a big and sympathetic heart for the helpless (even the tiny little bugs & geckos all around our home). God has special plans for her, I just know it!

I also wanted to add that I am truly at peace about our trip. Many have been asking if I am scared or worried. To be honest, I have been and I have really questioned “God, do I trust you enough to do this? To take my kids into Africa?”. God has been slowly stripping away all of my fears as I learn more of His character and love for me and I can honestly answer “yes” to those questions. I know He will watch over us and supply all of our needs because he always has. At the same time I still covet all the prayers lifted up on behalf of our safety and protection. Please keep praying for us as we go. Please pray that culture shock will be minimal and that fear will not paralyze us from getting out into the community and doing all that God has planned for us. I am getting choked up as I reflect on how faithful God has been by giving us such supportive and encouraging family and friends like all of you (and even the new friends found along the way). For those of you at home that are struggling with decisions or needs or problems, I pray that the God of peace will give you His “peace that passes all understanding”. God is good and we give HIM the glory, Amen!


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