Day 62– Aug 30, 2005, Tuesday: Another Tooth Gone
We had an awesome bible study this morning. They separated us into outreach teams and gave us each a book of the bible to make a skit out of. Our book was Hosea. Hosea was about a guy named Hosea who was called to marry a whore. So we made a skit about a marriage. We had Karen as the crying mother of the groom (because of his choice). I was the preacher. Rod was Hosea. Ruth was flower girl. Meagan was the bride. I can’t even remember who else was what. We had only about 5 minutes to plan our skit. We all agreed that I should be the preacher because of the preacher from the Princess Bride movie. “Mawwige is what brins us togevva today” Anyway, it was really fun and funny. The other skits were awesome too.
During school today Jessika lost ANOTHER tooth. She has 4 in a row missing on the top. Look at that mouth chompers to be seen on the top level!
Then we had a team meeting and Ruth was feeling so tired she went and slept. I think she is fighting a bug as well. I was all fired up to play rugby tonite, but just didn’t have the time to make it happen.
Then late tonite we had a meeting with Connie and her husband Craig with all of the other parents. It was a great time to just shoot questions at a couple who has been there and has a bunch of great kids (so they must have done something right).
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