Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day 76– Sep 13, 2005, Tuesday: Burn your ships!

On the left is Jess with our surprize visitor early this morning. We have 'house cats', one for each building. This is probably her favorite way to wake up.

Then here is Jonny sticking his tongue out as he colors. It's really fun to watch how he guides the pencil with his tongue

Jeremy gave a cool analogy this morning of a disciple’s life compared to Cortez when he conquered the Aztecs. In 1518 Cortez left with 700 men, 15 horses and 10 cannons. They arrived in Mexico and on that day Cortez burned all of their ships. Why? So they couldn’t chicken out and turn back. So they had to fight. They were going up against an army of thousands and it was hopeless. His men would have turned back had they had the chance, but the didn’t. The challenge for me was “what is holding me back? What is my ship that I’m leaving tied up in the harbor so I can bale out if it gets tough?” Ouch, this guy needs to lay off a little! Then he said “just because you burn your ship doesn’t mean God doesn’t want you to sail again.” We are a very privileged nation, and we get in trouble when we start to see our privileges as rights. As a disciple of Christ we are called to give up our rights and let him call the shots.

Then in the afternoon we drove up to Hanakua and got shots for yellow fever and typhoid. It pretty much took care of the rest of the day. We quick stopped by McDonalds on the way home. My arm hurts.


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